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"Why a young singer, who has never lived in Bulgaria, is so intrigued by Bulgarian composers and how she discovered [a] vocal cycle by Trifon Silianovsky" / "Защо млада изпълнителка, която никога не е живяла в България, е толкова заинтригувана от българските композитори и как е открила вокалния цикъл "Пет песни по стихове на Рилке" от Трифон Силяновски" -- Bulgarian National Radio; Horizont; Allegro-Vivace

Read the special report pre-print study on which Theodora Nestorova collaborated & co-authoredComparing the Audio Quality of Classical Music Lessons Over Video Conferencing Platforms. This article outlines & reveals the best options & practices for online music teaching in the wake of COVID-19.

After conducting research in Vienna, Austria entitled Modern Austrian Vocal Pedagogy in a Global Context, at the 2020 National Opera Association conference in Cleveland, OH, Theodora Nestorova presented her original research poster which emerged from her Fulbright year, entitled Is your vibrato in style?: A cross-cultural historical analysis of vibrato in operatic versus operetta styles.

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"The three ladies created an magical tale, and the audience was delighted by the angelic voice of Theodora Nestorova and the magical sounds of the piano and cello of Teodora Atanasova and Margarita Ilieva." / "Трите дами сътвориха една неземна приказка, а публиката остана във възторг от ангелския глас на Теодора Несторова и магическите звуци на пианото и виолончелото на Теодора Атанасова и Маргарита Илиева."

~Даниела Калчева; Kapana.BG

Read Theodora's blog post "Per Fulbright an die mdw: Wien ist für linen Musiker wie Disneyland für ein Kind" written in German & published on the International Student Website about her experience as a Fulbrighter at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien in Vienna, Austria. 

"Theodora Nestorova currently lives in Vienna, where she studied opera singing for a year on a Fulbright scholarship. She won it after receiving her bachelor's degree in Ohio, USA. She has been overseas since 2001, first in Seattle, then in Boston. In fact, she was born in Manchester, UK. But we talk to Theodora in Bulgarian? How does all this happen? Find out in the following lines." / "Теодора Несторова в момента живее във Виена, където една година учи оперно пеене със стипендия от програмата “Фулбрайт”. Печели я след като получава бакалавърската си стипендия в Охайо, САЩ. Зад Океана тя e от 2001 година, първо в Сиатъл, след това в Бостън. А всъщност е родена в Манчестър, Великобритания. С Теодора обаче си говорим на български? Как се случва всичко това? Разберете в следващите редове."

~Alexander Detev; Bulgarian National Television, Отвъд границите/Beyond Borders

"For a young soprano, freshly graduated from Oberlin Conservatory, the opportunity to do a Fulbright Study/Research grant in Vienna, the capital of classical music, is a life-changing experience."

~Fulbright Austria; News

"Transformation, Petzak says, is a common theme shared by Oberlin Fulbright alumni. Theodora Nestorova ’18, who is currently studying vocal pedagogy in Vienna, Austria, echoes this sentiment."

~Erin Ulrich; Oberlin College News

"When Theodora Nestorova '18 of Massachusetts began considering music schools, she weighed her interest not only in singing but in teaching voice as well. [... who] with Nestorova worked at the Vocal Arts Center, founded by legendary Oberlin voice teacher, Richard Miller."

~Erich Burnett; Oberlin Conservatory Magazine

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"Acton resident Theodora Nestorova will be off to Vienna, Austria this fall after being awarded a Fulbright Scholarship. Nestorova has been accepted to Vienna’s Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, where she will study voice while researching the voice teaching methodologies of teaching voice in Austria, and Vienna in particular."

~Matt Mallio; WickedLocal Acton-- The Beacon

"[The] vocal performance major and musicology minor has been awarded a Fulbright research award to study vocal pedagogy in Vienna, Austria. Passionate about classical singing from an early age, Nestorova has always been curious about how the voice works. During her fellowship, Nestorova will explore the vocal pedagogy of the Austrian school."

~Hillary Hempstead; Oberlin College News

"Nestorova’s family, she said, is made of mostly of mathematicians, which is one of the reasons she attended ABRHS and Oberlin, which is a college and a conservatory: She likes academics. Her official biography includes a very long list of achievements, from operatic roles she has played, to programs and institutes she has attended in locations from New York City to Washington D.C."

~Matt Mallio; WickedLocal Acton-- The Beacon

The main event of the afternoon, Bach’s cantata Ein feste Burg, BWV 80, received a festive performance by soloists and the four ripieno singers. The outstanding aria and recitative soloists were soprano Theodora Nestorova, countertenor Joe Schlesinger, tenor Ben Martin, and bass Matthew Payne[.]"

~Daniel Hathaway, Cleveland Classical

"The main portion of the panel showcased College junior Kennedy Kline and Conservatory senior Theodora Nestorova’s readings of analytic papers they wrote for the Philosophy of Music course [...] their essays analyzed themes [...] presenting an essential perspective on these hotly debated issues: the student point of view."

~Albacete, Peterson, & Gupta; The Oberlin Review

"Soprano Theodora Nestorova ’18 is certainly not new to campus. When she stumbled upon Student NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing), she was inspired to create a student chapter at Oberlin Conservatory."

~Julie Anna Gulenko; Oberlin Conservatory Tumblr





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